Isla de Plantas- edición Cuba is an artistic intervention by Sylvia Furegatti, based on her poetic and conceptual research into the relationship between art, landscape and nature.

The project was selected to be part of the Brazilian representation at the 15th Havana Biennial 2024-2025. Since its first edition in Brazil in 2015, one of its concerns has been the temporary and collective construction of contemporary works of art in spaces of flow and connection with nature.



Horizontes compartidos



Proyecto Domos. 

La imagen arde.

Instituto Superior de Arte 

Facultad de Artes Visuales

Calle 120 #904 entre 9na y 23. Playa. La Habana. Cuba

Like a garden installed on top of another, it carries images of plants inscribed on the surface of others. Each edition is projected as a site-specific large-scale public sculpture made from popular masonry. Isla de Plantas thus occupies garden and public spaces, aiming to establish other ways of interaction and collective coexistence.

In Havana, the Biennale curators recommended that the piece be built on the grass areas of the Instituto Superior de Arte—ISA Cuba. In this special place, with a landscape recognised for its internationally renowned architecture, we have a university space dedicated to art, thus creating an audience that is very aware of the interaction proposed by the sculpture.

Since its installation in November 2024, the work has been transformed by the multiple uses of its user-viewers and the growth of the plants that inhabit and shape it over time.

Technical design / elevation: Vitória Esteves

  Nature is my partner in the project, it tells me when it's time to go back and see how temporality has affected the work.

Sylvia Furegatti

Photo by  Karenia Cintra Rodriguez

Sylvia Furegatti exhibits at the Havana Biennial

Author Mariana Garcia

Article published on the Unicamp portal

Photo by Yosvanir Rodriguez

Acknowledgments / support